by David Jameson | Jan 24, 2018 | Gig Performer Blog, GP2 New Features
A much requested feature in Gig Performer was an Audio Mixer, a multi-channel gain control plugin. Instead of creating separate gain controls after each synth plugin, you could use a single plugin to control the gain of multiple plugins. Our plugin comes in 4ch (two...
by David Jameson | Jan 24, 2018 | Gig Performer Blog, GP2 New Features
Gig Performer ships with a built-in programming language GPScript that can be used to develop very sophisticated behavior for live performance. GPScript gives Gig Performer some “open endedness”, providing the ability to add features that are not already...
by David Jameson | Nov 9, 2017 | Knowledge Base Articles, OS X
If you have been prompted that a Gig Performer update/upgrade is available but the update fails to install, perhaps with a message such as, “Something went wrong”, then there is most likely a permissions problem on your computer which is preventing the program from...
by David Jameson | Oct 31, 2017 | Gig Performer Blog, Knowledge Base Articles, MS Windows, OS X
Although we’re really busy working on Gig Performer 2.x (more on that later), we put out a minor update to Gig Performer 1.x today where it’s now possible to distinguish between NoteOn and NoteOff events in our MIDI Filter plugin: Why is this interesting?...
by David Jameson | Oct 25, 2017 | Gig Performer Blog, Knowledge Base Articles, Tutorials
By default, Gig Performer saves the values of all widgets using a “last value saved” algorithm. That means that when you change a widget value and save your gig, then when you reload your gig, that widget will have the same value. This is very convenient...